Quality of Life Indicators

For much of my career as a dementia caregiver and provider I have worked in nursing home and rehabilitation centers. As a member of the inter-disciplinary team regular assessment of each resident included assessing the resident’s quality of life looking at quality of life (QOL) indicators. As I have spent the past six years finishing my doctorate I had lost track of my own focus on QOL indicators. Prior to going back to full-time work while completing school I had counted sand in my car, a back hatch full of smelly rollerblading equipment, a week with three nights of dancing, as QOL indicators. But once I was full-time marketing director and part-time doctoral student, my assessments of my quality of life became non-existent.

Now with only a full time job and my business development, I have re-started my list of QOL indicators. Today the sighting of a dolphin and its baby near our slip started the list. Yesterday my warm fuzzy robe, the one dreamed of in Death Dowry, watching the sun rise was a QOL indicator. Last night, having the leisure to see a movie about Jung and Freud.

What are you QOL indicators? If you can’t think of one perhaps it’s time to stretch and add something to your life.

Author: Cate
Passionate about dementia care and quality of life throughout the last days of life----sums up Cate McCarty, Dr. Cate, Dementia Coach. With close to forty years of long-term care experience in nursing and recreation, a Master's in Thanatology and a PhD in Aging Studies, Dr. Cate seizes every opportunity to translate research into quality of life for individuals with dementia and all of us who have the honor to "rub elbows" with them.

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