Having just returned from a whirlwind trip to Tampa, we are now preparing for a week in MD followed by two weeks in Spain. Each trip is full of family and memory making presence. Looking back I remember the same anticipation as a young family with selective purchasing, wrapping, preparing. Today we purchase plane tickets, we pack, we prepare in different ways. But the common ground is anticipation. Presents for the family are now translated into presence with the family. This season is a wonderful gathering point, regardless of what holiday you are celebrating. It is a time of decreased environmental light for many of our homes, but increased physical and spiritual light.
Last week I was honored to present to the Baycare Faith Community Nurses on Nurturing the Nurturer. Taking my research to heart, we are adopting the lights and tress of others in our preparation to be away from our floating home for a while. There are many beautiful tributes to the time of year. I remind myself again to embrace the beauty of the best of the season and not get entangled in the wrappings and trappings. Wishing you the best in this time of anticipation and presence.