No I do not mean COVID, I mean the changing season. Are you feeling a difference in the air temperature? A renewed desire to bake or take a run or hike? Fall is in the air, no matter where you live. It is simply more nuanced in the warmer climates.Here at the McHop MD home we have a third batch of sourdough starter; an on-going eye on putting the garden “to bed”; new tires on order and, believe it or not, some window washing.As we move into autumn, I am reminded of how the seasons’ characteristics are like the stages of dementia. Regardless of whether our care partner is in early, mid or late stages–there is color and freshness. There is the treasured individual though fleeting. Yes, it may be nuanced, but with the right energy, the right engagement–you can catch it.So make the sourdough starter, or go to the garden, do something just for you, so that you have the energy and the resilience necessary to capture that color and the treasured individuality of your care partner. |