
January 22, 2025 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm America/New York Timezone
$400 for 16 wks
Dr. Cate

Chronic illness can cast a long shadow with care extending 10-20 years. As the illness advances, the losses accumulate and the shadow starts to swallow the care partner. Blocking off light and reducing the ill individual to a mere silhouette or ghost of who they once were.

GriefShadow® was designed to address this “Long good-bye”. A 16-week instrumental support group for the pre-death grief of a dementia caregiver. The latest research will be translated and applied with coping strategies presented.

Each session will be a workshop format with interactive discussion followed by a reflection worksheet. Enrollment is continuous with the format allowing a start at any juncture. Graduation is self-determined.

Registration is required with payment of $200 for half of the 16 week course. At the end of the 16 weeks, continuing workshops in rotation may be purchased for $20 per week. Courses will start on enrollment and continuously rotate through the sessions. Sessions are Wednesday at 3PM EST. Registration will be capped at 6 participants for quality interaction.

Click here to register for the GriefShadow® course

Author: Cate
Passionate about dementia care and quality of life throughout the last days of life----sums up Cate McCarty, Dr. Cate, Dementia Coach. With close to forty years of long-term care experience in nursing and recreation, a Master's in Thanatology and a PhD in Aging Studies, Dr. Cate seizes every opportunity to translate research into quality of life for individuals with dementia and all of us who have the honor to "rub elbows" with them.

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